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Showing posts with label Health Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Tips. Show all posts

Friday, March 6, 2015

5 natural ways to reduce your cholesterol

Don't let not your level of blood cholesterol skyrocket and harm your health! Here are 5 natural and accessible remedies to prevent or control your cholesterol.
5 natural ways to reduce your cholesterol
Photo: ©
1. drink a milkshake soy

To prepare a delicious drink cholesterol-lowering, pour a cup of soy milk with vanilla in the bowl of a mixer, add two tablespoons of ground flax seeds and a few fresh red fruit or frozen, then mix everything. Soy protein and flaxseed are lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) and mount the level of good cholesterol (HDL), while fibres provided by red fruits are lower total cholesterol.
2. the orange breakfast juice

Drink juice freshly squeezed orange or orange brick 100% juice Apple juice can have a beneficial effect on the lipid balance. In a recent study, people who had been asked to drink three glasses of juice per day saw their HDL levels increase by 21% and their levels of LDL decrease by 16% on average. Drink the juice within 5 minutes after exposure to light, because beyond UV destroy vitamin C.
3. consult your doctor

Cholesterol levels should be inspected regularly, especially from 45 years or if there is a familial predisposition. If your dosage is greater than 2 g/l (5.2 mmol/l), your doctor will be probably a further lipid. According to the results, will prescribe perhaps a hypolipidemic drug. In all cases, it will recommend a diet adapted.
4. sport

Every day, try to do 30 minutes of brisk walking. You can also swim or run (after medical advice if you have more than 40 years and have not done any sport for a long time). The benefits of a regular exercise are indisputable. Studies have shown that physical activity decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke. Exercise is also beneficial if you have diabetes or hypertension, two diseases that represent, independently one from the other, a cardiovascular risk factor.

5. drink a glass of wine per day

Alcohol - in any form whatsoever - increases the levels of HDL, the "good cholesterol". Moderate drinking means drinking one drink per day for women and two for men. Means glass 25 ml of strong alcohol, wine 12 cl and 25 cl of regular beer. If you exceed this dose, the harm will be more important than profits. Red wine also provides antioxidants from the pigments of the skin of the grape.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Jogging Tips for Beginners

Jogging is healthy and regular running brings the figure in form and good fun. There are plenty of reasons for the run entry. The most important thing at a glance before the race start.

jogging tips for begginers

Who should not go jogging?

People with heart failure and cardiovascular diseases such as cardiac arrhythmias and high blood pressure should consult a physician before jogging. Even if you suffer from joint problems and orthopedic diseases, you should ask the doctor. Also, you should not jogging during a flu or a cold.

What do I need to go jogging?

You need a pair of running shoes. Good running shoes help your foot and minimize the risk to hurt when running with the proper technique. Choosing the right shoes, you should get help. Professionals working in the shoe store or very experienced Jogger show you what matters in a running shoe. The right clothing to work should not scrub and do not disturb. The weather should be adequate, breathable and not too heavy. A portable MP3 player is recommended to listen to music or podcasts while jogging.

But even without music, jogging is fun and the sounds of nature such as bird song or blade noise are ideal to relax.

How do I start with jogging?

Overcome himself and running off. Slowly and regularly jogging is better than single expend more have no desire, then for days on the jogging.

Even if you go jogging daily 1000 metres, you'll notice a positive effect.

Increase slowly and treat yourself to relaxation phases. Who runs too often and too far, quickly loses the desire to go jogging. Already after four to eight weeks you be able to manage a course of 5-8 km in 30 to 60 minutes.

Where and when I jog?

If the weather allows it, you should run out. The positive effects of running complement the fresh air and the light. If that time isn't due to weather conditions, you run on a treadmill. Run about every second day. On hot days, it is recommended to run early in the morning. Note the instructions for jogging in the summer.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Weight loss against metastases for Breast cancer diet

Obesity is a risk factor for breast cancer, so that weight loss can help prevent breast cancer. But even if the cancer has already erupted, obesity can reduce the course speed up the healing process.

Weight loss is associated with various positive effects for the health. So, demonstrably a slightly lower caloric intake extends life. Just as clearly, that lean people rare intestinal cancer and women develop breast cancer. A study of the U.S. Thomas Jefferson University now was able to prove that a lower caloric intake is even useful when cancer is already created.
The scientists conducted a mouse study, in which they put different forms of breast cancer in a diet-related. The daily calorie intake by 30 percent is reduced, therefore fewer metastases cancer forms. "The diet switched an epigenetic program that slowed the metastasis," study leader Nicole Simone says in a press release of the University. Epigenetically means the influence of environmental factors on the genes, where certain genes on or are turned off, in this case light fasting.
Weight gain worsens the prognosis during cancer therapy

Most breast cancer patients is increasing. Causes include chemotherapy, steroid - or hormone treatments. The therapy alter the metabolism. As a result the affected women may increase up to ten pounds in the first year of treatment. New studies have shown that for this reason the cancer faster can spread. "Therefore it is important to make 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Fruit Consumption It is recommended for pregnant women

For pregnant women, the amount of nutrient intake will certainly increase because not only required by the mothers themselves, but also by the fetus. During pregnancy, fetal growth is influenced by the nutritional intake of the mother. No exception to the intake of vitamins if obtained from fruits. Well here are a few pieces that must be consumed by pregnant women , so that the intake of nutrients, especially vitamins in the body met for the fetus.

1. Consuming Fruit Avocado
Based on the results of the study found a link between maternal health and nutrition avocado. Avocados contain folate, potassium and vitamin B complex which turned out to be indispensable in the process of development and growth of the fetus during pregnancy. High amount of folic acid in avocado appears to have a role on the stage of development of the brain and spinal cord of the fetus. High amount of folic acid needed in early pregnancy, it is advisable to consume this fruit in balance every day. In addition to folic acid, avocados also contain vitamin B complex. The content of this vitamin was able to overcome the nausea and vomiting experienced during the first period of pregnancy.

2. Palm Fruit consumption Dates
The fruit is very popular among Muslims is proved to have high fiber content, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, calcium and magenesium. All of these substances are very good for consumption by pregnant women. Date palm fruit has a high sugar content, between 60-65% higher when compared to other fruits. Iron content in this fruit can help increase hemoglobin levels. It helps a pregnant women who tend to be highly susceptible to anemia. Potassium content can overcome cramps during pregnancy and vitamin B complex is very high on the dates needed during pregnancy. By eating palm fruit regularly, can strengthen the uterine wall. During the final trimester of pregnancy can be a very good fruit is sufficient energy intake in preparation for childbirth

3. Mangosteen

The content of vitamin C is high enough so contribute to the immune system during pregnancy. It also can maintain skin elasticity maternal fetal growth is a result of its enlargement. In the mangosteen fruit also contained folic acid and manganese content. Folic acid can help reduce premature babies or also the presence of abnormal fetal organs such defects occurring in infants. Manganese can protect the fetus and the pregnant women themselves from the threat of free radicals, and so assist in the formation of cartilage skeleton as well as the fetus.

The choice of intake consumed by pregnant women also determine the process of growth and development and health of the fetus of the baby itself.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Tips to Prevent Uric Acid Disease

Increased content of uric acid in the body is usually caused by excessive food pattern error. Here are some healthy tips that you can apply to avoid the onset of gout according to the website Best Gout Remedies, which is caused by excess uric acid increased.

1. Avoid food that contains purines

content of purines in the diet can increase uric acid levels in the body. Some foods that are purine emngandung many sardines, anchovies, liver, broth, meat offal, tuna, trout, lobster, shrimp, scallops, alcoholic beverages and much more. List of other foods that you can find on google.

2. Reduce alcoholic beverages

Alcoholic beverages have very high purine content. So that alcoholic beverages can be said to have a very high risk for the emergence of this excess uric acid

3. Expand the Drinking Water

Drinking plenty of water for up to 12 cups a day can prevent uric acid overload. Remember water, not water alkaline water and apalgi berbaking soda as much salt content.

4. Consuming Milk

According to some research results, it can cause a decrease in milk uric acid levels in the body. Drinking milk every day could meminnimalkan uric acid disease. The comparison is a glass of milk can lower uric acid levels of up to 0.25mg / dl.

5. Coffee or drinking coffee

It turns out that coffee drinking can also cause a decrease in uric acid levels in the body. These results were obtained from a series of research.

6. Consumption of Strawberries, Celery and Cherries

The food turned out to contain components that can lower uric acid levels. Based on the study, strawberries contain antioxidants that can prevent excessive uric acid.

7. Taking Multivitamins

With mengkkonsumsi multivitamins can prevent uric acid. At least one tablet every day and try to choose the strongest and contains many minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc.

8. Strive to be able to lose weight

Weight gain disproportionate cause risk of gout increases. Therefore, derive your weight.

9. Consume plenty of vitamin C

Still based on the results of the research, by taking approximately 500 mg of vitamin C perhariternyata shown to prevent gout.