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Showing posts with label Health Info. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Info. Show all posts

Friday, March 6, 2015

5 natural ways to reduce your cholesterol

Don't let not your level of blood cholesterol skyrocket and harm your health! Here are 5 natural and accessible remedies to prevent or control your cholesterol.
5 natural ways to reduce your cholesterol
Photo: ©
1. drink a milkshake soy

To prepare a delicious drink cholesterol-lowering, pour a cup of soy milk with vanilla in the bowl of a mixer, add two tablespoons of ground flax seeds and a few fresh red fruit or frozen, then mix everything. Soy protein and flaxseed are lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) and mount the level of good cholesterol (HDL), while fibres provided by red fruits are lower total cholesterol.
2. the orange breakfast juice

Drink juice freshly squeezed orange or orange brick 100% juice Apple juice can have a beneficial effect on the lipid balance. In a recent study, people who had been asked to drink three glasses of juice per day saw their HDL levels increase by 21% and their levels of LDL decrease by 16% on average. Drink the juice within 5 minutes after exposure to light, because beyond UV destroy vitamin C.
3. consult your doctor

Cholesterol levels should be inspected regularly, especially from 45 years or if there is a familial predisposition. If your dosage is greater than 2 g/l (5.2 mmol/l), your doctor will be probably a further lipid. According to the results, will prescribe perhaps a hypolipidemic drug. In all cases, it will recommend a diet adapted.
4. sport

Every day, try to do 30 minutes of brisk walking. You can also swim or run (after medical advice if you have more than 40 years and have not done any sport for a long time). The benefits of a regular exercise are indisputable. Studies have shown that physical activity decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke. Exercise is also beneficial if you have diabetes or hypertension, two diseases that represent, independently one from the other, a cardiovascular risk factor.

5. drink a glass of wine per day

Alcohol - in any form whatsoever - increases the levels of HDL, the "good cholesterol". Moderate drinking means drinking one drink per day for women and two for men. Means glass 25 ml of strong alcohol, wine 12 cl and 25 cl of regular beer. If you exceed this dose, the harm will be more important than profits. Red wine also provides antioxidants from the pigments of the skin of the grape.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The benefits of a high-protein breakfast

Your schedules are loaded and looking for good ways to eat well? Think to include protein at breakfast goes without saying. A protein-rich breakfast provides a long-lasting energy that causes a greater satiety. Whether mentally or physically, you will thus get a better party of your day at any age and at any stage of your life.

Take the time refuel you properly
breakfast health foodWhen schedules are loaded, it may be tempting to skip breakfast or take a pastry or a donut for the road. "I have not the time to have breakfast" is the most common reason used to justify bad morning habits, but not to take healthy breakfast may be totally counterproductive. Skip breakfast or choose foods of poor quality is equivalent to attempting to operate your car while it contains more gas or even put the wrong type of fuel.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Fruit Consumption It is recommended for pregnant women

For pregnant women, the amount of nutrient intake will certainly increase because not only required by the mothers themselves, but also by the fetus. During pregnancy, fetal growth is influenced by the nutritional intake of the mother. No exception to the intake of vitamins if obtained from fruits. Well here are a few pieces that must be consumed by pregnant women , so that the intake of nutrients, especially vitamins in the body met for the fetus.

1. Consuming Fruit Avocado
Based on the results of the study found a link between maternal health and nutrition avocado. Avocados contain folate, potassium and vitamin B complex which turned out to be indispensable in the process of development and growth of the fetus during pregnancy. High amount of folic acid in avocado appears to have a role on the stage of development of the brain and spinal cord of the fetus. High amount of folic acid needed in early pregnancy, it is advisable to consume this fruit in balance every day. In addition to folic acid, avocados also contain vitamin B complex. The content of this vitamin was able to overcome the nausea and vomiting experienced during the first period of pregnancy.

2. Palm Fruit consumption Dates
The fruit is very popular among Muslims is proved to have high fiber content, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, calcium and magenesium. All of these substances are very good for consumption by pregnant women. Date palm fruit has a high sugar content, between 60-65% higher when compared to other fruits. Iron content in this fruit can help increase hemoglobin levels. It helps a pregnant women who tend to be highly susceptible to anemia. Potassium content can overcome cramps during pregnancy and vitamin B complex is very high on the dates needed during pregnancy. By eating palm fruit regularly, can strengthen the uterine wall. During the final trimester of pregnancy can be a very good fruit is sufficient energy intake in preparation for childbirth

3. Mangosteen

The content of vitamin C is high enough so contribute to the immune system during pregnancy. It also can maintain skin elasticity maternal fetal growth is a result of its enlargement. In the mangosteen fruit also contained folic acid and manganese content. Folic acid can help reduce premature babies or also the presence of abnormal fetal organs such defects occurring in infants. Manganese can protect the fetus and the pregnant women themselves from the threat of free radicals, and so assist in the formation of cartilage skeleton as well as the fetus.

The choice of intake consumed by pregnant women also determine the process of growth and development and health of the fetus of the baby itself.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Tips To Stay Healthy Drinking Coffee

Lots of coffee hobbyist. But did you know that behind the joy of coffee, the actual hobby is drinking coffee should be restricted, because it could endanger health . Well, here are tips to consume coffee with good for your health maintained.

1. Coffee Dosage Control.

It is important to always control the dose of coffee you drink. Currently there is not an exact size of the dose of coffee to be drunk every person, but a lot of research that says drinking a dose of 300 mg of caffeine (ie between 1 to 3 cups per day) does not negatively affect most healthy people.

2. Be aware of the Danger Signals

For coffee lovers should be able to recognize the danger signals of coffee. It aims to know when to stop drinking coffee. Some signs or danger signals are: palpitations, like anxiety, sleep disturbances, or mood disorders (such as: more irritable). Coffee habits of a coffee drinker who suddenly stop drinking can be impaired "caffeine withdrawal". The signs are throbbing headache. Such symptoms are immediately lost about 1-2 days or can also be lost if it is getting a new dose of caffeine.

3. It is important to Listening Response Body

Everyone's body has its own limits on caffeine. Most people can drink two cups of coffee a day without having problems. But this does not necessarily apply to other people, because some are experiencing the ill effects of the consumption of the amount of coffee the same. There is the case with just a cup of coffee could not sleep all night, but there is also the opposite. Understanding the response of the body is an important thing to do.

4. Important to Know the Content of Caffeine
Do not let us eat foods that actually contain caffeine as well. In fact, the recommended dose of coffee on the body is enough. By knowing the content of caffeine in other food products, can make the content of caffeine on the body becomes excessive and could ultimately harm our health. Here are some products that contain caffeine: soft drinks, sweets coffee, tea, chocolate, headache medicine.

Coffee processing methods also affect caffeine content. It is also important for us to know if the caffeine content is presented by mixing with other materials or types of coffee itself

Based on the research, coffee without caffeine (decaf) good enough for people who are obese. This because it can raise levels of HDL ("good" cholesterol) to approximately 50%. In contrast to the non-obese could even result lowers HDL cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease.

5. Group-Without Coffee

The following people are strongly advised to avoid or even forget about coffee: pregnant women, children, the elderly, the diseases / disorders of the heart and blood vessels.