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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Tips To Stay Healthy Drinking Coffee

Lots of coffee hobbyist. But did you know that behind the joy of coffee, the actual hobby is drinking coffee should be restricted, because it could endanger health . Well, here are tips to consume coffee with good for your health maintained.

1. Coffee Dosage Control.

It is important to always control the dose of coffee you drink. Currently there is not an exact size of the dose of coffee to be drunk every person, but a lot of research that says drinking a dose of 300 mg of caffeine (ie between 1 to 3 cups per day) does not negatively affect most healthy people.

2. Be aware of the Danger Signals

For coffee lovers should be able to recognize the danger signals of coffee. It aims to know when to stop drinking coffee. Some signs or danger signals are: palpitations, like anxiety, sleep disturbances, or mood disorders (such as: more irritable). Coffee habits of a coffee drinker who suddenly stop drinking can be impaired "caffeine withdrawal". The signs are throbbing headache. Such symptoms are immediately lost about 1-2 days or can also be lost if it is getting a new dose of caffeine.

3. It is important to Listening Response Body

Everyone's body has its own limits on caffeine. Most people can drink two cups of coffee a day without having problems. But this does not necessarily apply to other people, because some are experiencing the ill effects of the consumption of the amount of coffee the same. There is the case with just a cup of coffee could not sleep all night, but there is also the opposite. Understanding the response of the body is an important thing to do.

4. Important to Know the Content of Caffeine
Do not let us eat foods that actually contain caffeine as well. In fact, the recommended dose of coffee on the body is enough. By knowing the content of caffeine in other food products, can make the content of caffeine on the body becomes excessive and could ultimately harm our health. Here are some products that contain caffeine: soft drinks, sweets coffee, tea, chocolate, headache medicine.

Coffee processing methods also affect caffeine content. It is also important for us to know if the caffeine content is presented by mixing with other materials or types of coffee itself

Based on the research, coffee without caffeine (decaf) good enough for people who are obese. This because it can raise levels of HDL ("good" cholesterol) to approximately 50%. In contrast to the non-obese could even result lowers HDL cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease.

5. Group-Without Coffee

The following people are strongly advised to avoid or even forget about coffee: pregnant women, children, the elderly, the diseases / disorders of the heart and blood vessels.

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