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Sunday, March 1, 2015

9 Foods for Cancer Prevention

As also stated in recent days by Umberto Veronesi, one of the best ways to prevent cancer is to have a healthy and balanced diet. It would seem, in fact, that one third of cancer sick people have contracted the disease not to have observed a completely healthy diet. The Cancer Cure Foundation, one of the best-known organization for the fight against cancer in the world, has decided to draw up a list of foods that help prevention. The foods listed are 9 and range from more different products, as to mean that to keep away this evil one of the secrets is to vary as much as possible what you put under your teeth.
food for prevention cancer

1. Broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower

Have a chemical component called indole-3-carbinol can fight breast cancer. Broccoli, also sulforano, also fitocomico, a perfect ally in the prevention of colon cancer or the rectum. Separate chapter on the glucoraphanin. This substance helps to inhibit the growth of cancers. The American Agricolutra Department has even studied 71 types of broccoli plants and concluded that more bitter both its flavor glucoraphanin and is present in the food.
2. Carrots

Help prevent a wide range of cancers, including lung, mouth, throat, stomach, intestine, bladder, prostate and breast cancer. It must be said, though, as some research has indicated in beta-carotone (substance present in carrots) a cause of cancer, but these have not been shown for the relationship between the substance and the fact of eating carrots. To find a link you should arrive to ingest a quantity equal to 2/3 pounds of carrots a day and it would seem downright impossible. The Danish Institute of agricultural sciences (DIAS) has found a new substance that can prevent it: the falcarinolo. This research studied the isolated tumor cells in contact with it. The result is to see how their growth to happen, in this way, much more slowly. In culinary terms, however, you should always avoid Cook the carrots, if you want to be at this reaction.

3. Mushrooms

Would seem to help the body fight cancer and to build an immune system. Contain a polissacrido called lentinan who manages to attack cancerous cells from multiplying.

4. Algae

Contain protein, vitamin B12, fiber, chlorophyll, and important fatty acids that can help in the fight against breast cancer. Have also a high concentration of minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and iodine.

5. Sweet potatoes

Contain anti-cancer properties which protect the DNA from carcinogenic chemicals outside the nuclear membrane.

6. Avocados

Are rich in glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that attacks free radicals in the body by blocking the intestinal absorption of fat. Are also more loads of potassium in bananas and also have a high percentage of beta-carotene. Many scientists believe that this result can be helpful in treating viral hepatitis (a cause of liver cancer).

7. Chiles JalapeƱos

This chilli, native to Mexico, but also widespread in Europe, contains a chemical capsaicin able to neutralize certain substances that cause cancer.

8. Figs

A study of the researchers of the Institute of physics and chemistry at the University of Tokyo has elected this fruit as one of the most effective in reducing the risk of cancers. In the United States of America, on the other hand, the Agriculture Department said that containing vitamins A and C, calcium, magnesium and potassium, can reduce your appetite and improve efforts to lose weight.

9. Grapefruit

As a bit ' all citrus fruits, contain monoterpenes: substance that helps prevent cancer sweeping carcinogens out of the body. Studies have shown that grapefruit can inhibit a proliferation of breast cancer cells. Also contains vitamin C, beta carotene and folic acid.

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