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Friday, March 6, 2015

5 natural ways to reduce your cholesterol

Don't let not your level of blood cholesterol skyrocket and harm your health! Here are 5 natural and accessible remedies to prevent or control your cholesterol.
5 natural ways to reduce your cholesterol
Photo: ©
1. drink a milkshake soy

To prepare a delicious drink cholesterol-lowering, pour a cup of soy milk with vanilla in the bowl of a mixer, add two tablespoons of ground flax seeds and a few fresh red fruit or frozen, then mix everything. Soy protein and flaxseed are lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) and mount the level of good cholesterol (HDL), while fibres provided by red fruits are lower total cholesterol.
2. the orange breakfast juice

Drink juice freshly squeezed orange or orange brick 100% juice Apple juice can have a beneficial effect on the lipid balance. In a recent study, people who had been asked to drink three glasses of juice per day saw their HDL levels increase by 21% and their levels of LDL decrease by 16% on average. Drink the juice within 5 minutes after exposure to light, because beyond UV destroy vitamin C.
3. consult your doctor

Cholesterol levels should be inspected regularly, especially from 45 years or if there is a familial predisposition. If your dosage is greater than 2 g/l (5.2 mmol/l), your doctor will be probably a further lipid. According to the results, will prescribe perhaps a hypolipidemic drug. In all cases, it will recommend a diet adapted.
4. sport

Every day, try to do 30 minutes of brisk walking. You can also swim or run (after medical advice if you have more than 40 years and have not done any sport for a long time). The benefits of a regular exercise are indisputable. Studies have shown that physical activity decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke. Exercise is also beneficial if you have diabetes or hypertension, two diseases that represent, independently one from the other, a cardiovascular risk factor.

5. drink a glass of wine per day

Alcohol - in any form whatsoever - increases the levels of HDL, the "good cholesterol". Moderate drinking means drinking one drink per day for women and two for men. Means glass 25 ml of strong alcohol, wine 12 cl and 25 cl of regular beer. If you exceed this dose, the harm will be more important than profits. Red wine also provides antioxidants from the pigments of the skin of the grape.

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