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Showing posts with label Health Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Food. Show all posts

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The benefits of a high-protein breakfast

Your schedules are loaded and looking for good ways to eat well? Think to include protein at breakfast goes without saying. A protein-rich breakfast provides a long-lasting energy that causes a greater satiety. Whether mentally or physically, you will thus get a better party of your day at any age and at any stage of your life.

Take the time refuel you properly
breakfast health foodWhen schedules are loaded, it may be tempting to skip breakfast or take a pastry or a donut for the road. "I have not the time to have breakfast" is the most common reason used to justify bad morning habits, but not to take healthy breakfast may be totally counterproductive. Skip breakfast or choose foods of poor quality is equivalent to attempting to operate your car while it contains more gas or even put the wrong type of fuel.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

9 Foods for Cancer Prevention

As also stated in recent days by Umberto Veronesi, one of the best ways to prevent cancer is to have a healthy and balanced diet. It would seem, in fact, that one third of cancer sick people have contracted the disease not to have observed a completely healthy diet. The Cancer Cure Foundation, one of the best-known organization for the fight against cancer in the world, has decided to draw up a list of foods that help prevention. The foods listed are 9 and range from more different products, as to mean that to keep away this evil one of the secrets is to vary as much as possible what you put under your teeth.
food for prevention cancer

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Other Health Benefits of Soursop

Soursop fruit as a healthy food so far has been very famous as a cure of breast cancer (or some other types of cancer) naturally, it also has many other benefits for health.

Here are some other benefits of soursop fruit for health .

1. Fruit Soursop Can Treat Infants with Diarrhea.

Apparently soursop fruit can be used as a medicine for diarrhea in infants. How to prepare a ripe soursop fruit, then squeezed, filtered and then take water. The water is drunk juice diarrhea in infants 2 to 3 tablespoons.

2. Fruit Soursop Can Treat Hemorrhoid Pain.

Efficacy of soursop fruit was also able to treat hemorrhoid disease. The trick, ripe soursop fruit is squeezed, and take water as much as 1 cup, then drink 2 times a day every morning and afternoon.

3. Fruit Soursop for Treating urinary disorders were slightly
Urinary disorders are a little better known as Anyang-anyangen in terms of Java, it also can overcome the soursop fruit. The trick peeled ripe soursop fruit half then added sugar to taste and boil together with water by 2 cups. Then the water is filtered and drunk.

4. Fruit Soursop to treat Bladder Pain Urine.

Soursop fruit can also be used to treat bladder pain urine. How to prepare a half-ripe soursop fruit is added with sugar and salt to taste, then cook it into compote. Eating as usual, and do regularly every day for 1 week in a row.

5. Fruit Soursop for Treating Liver Disease.

For liver disease turns soursop fruit can also be used as medicine. In lieu of food you only need to drink soursop juice for a week as a replacement for your food.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Snacking Foods Can Help Sleeping Beauty

You insomnia? Do not worry, it turns snacking on some healthy snacks following may help you to sleep soundly and faster. But still you have to pay attention to the content in each snack you eat and not to overdo it, so that your body does not become more elastic and healthy . This article is excerpted from Women's Health Magazine, on Tuesday (15/7). Well here is a list of snack:

1. Snacking cherry
By eating a bowl of cherry turns contains approximately 100 calories and 24 grams of carbohydrates.

2. Snacking on chocolate beans with low-fat milk

Brown is famous as a food that can make a relaxed, of course, a combination of both of these foods can make your body become more relaxed

3. Snacking Wheat Crackers
Already there is research that says it turns consume wheat could prevent insomnia

4. Snacking yogurt bars
Yoghurt in the form of bullion bars turns on each one contains 8 to 10% of calcium into the body's daily needs. Adalagi good news, it turns out these foods are foods rich in protein

5. Snacking cheese bread with almonds
You can apply almond cheese to bread. Almonds contain magnesium which will send a signal to merileksasi drowsiness and muscle.

Well it turns out healthy snacking can also be useful.