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Saturday, November 8, 2014

Other Health Benefits of Soursop

Soursop fruit as a healthy food so far has been very famous as a cure of breast cancer (or some other types of cancer) naturally, it also has many other benefits for health.

Here are some other benefits of soursop fruit for health .

1. Fruit Soursop Can Treat Infants with Diarrhea.

Apparently soursop fruit can be used as a medicine for diarrhea in infants. How to prepare a ripe soursop fruit, then squeezed, filtered and then take water. The water is drunk juice diarrhea in infants 2 to 3 tablespoons.

2. Fruit Soursop Can Treat Hemorrhoid Pain.

Efficacy of soursop fruit was also able to treat hemorrhoid disease. The trick, ripe soursop fruit is squeezed, and take water as much as 1 cup, then drink 2 times a day every morning and afternoon.

3. Fruit Soursop for Treating urinary disorders were slightly
Urinary disorders are a little better known as Anyang-anyangen in terms of Java, it also can overcome the soursop fruit. The trick peeled ripe soursop fruit half then added sugar to taste and boil together with water by 2 cups. Then the water is filtered and drunk.

4. Fruit Soursop to treat Bladder Pain Urine.

Soursop fruit can also be used to treat bladder pain urine. How to prepare a half-ripe soursop fruit is added with sugar and salt to taste, then cook it into compote. Eating as usual, and do regularly every day for 1 week in a row.

5. Fruit Soursop for Treating Liver Disease.

For liver disease turns soursop fruit can also be used as medicine. In lieu of food you only need to drink soursop juice for a week as a replacement for your food.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Snacking Foods Can Help Sleeping Beauty

You insomnia? Do not worry, it turns snacking on some healthy snacks following may help you to sleep soundly and faster. But still you have to pay attention to the content in each snack you eat and not to overdo it, so that your body does not become more elastic and healthy . This article is excerpted from Women's Health Magazine, on Tuesday (15/7). Well here is a list of snack:

1. Snacking cherry
By eating a bowl of cherry turns contains approximately 100 calories and 24 grams of carbohydrates.

2. Snacking on chocolate beans with low-fat milk

Brown is famous as a food that can make a relaxed, of course, a combination of both of these foods can make your body become more relaxed

3. Snacking Wheat Crackers
Already there is research that says it turns consume wheat could prevent insomnia

4. Snacking yogurt bars
Yoghurt in the form of bullion bars turns on each one contains 8 to 10% of calcium into the body's daily needs. Adalagi good news, it turns out these foods are foods rich in protein

5. Snacking cheese bread with almonds
You can apply almond cheese to bread. Almonds contain magnesium which will send a signal to merileksasi drowsiness and muscle.

Well it turns out healthy snacking can also be useful.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Tips To Stay Healthy Drinking Coffee

Lots of coffee hobbyist. But did you know that behind the joy of coffee, the actual hobby is drinking coffee should be restricted, because it could endanger health . Well, here are tips to consume coffee with good for your health maintained.

1. Coffee Dosage Control.

It is important to always control the dose of coffee you drink. Currently there is not an exact size of the dose of coffee to be drunk every person, but a lot of research that says drinking a dose of 300 mg of caffeine (ie between 1 to 3 cups per day) does not negatively affect most healthy people.

2. Be aware of the Danger Signals

For coffee lovers should be able to recognize the danger signals of coffee. It aims to know when to stop drinking coffee. Some signs or danger signals are: palpitations, like anxiety, sleep disturbances, or mood disorders (such as: more irritable). Coffee habits of a coffee drinker who suddenly stop drinking can be impaired "caffeine withdrawal". The signs are throbbing headache. Such symptoms are immediately lost about 1-2 days or can also be lost if it is getting a new dose of caffeine.

3. It is important to Listening Response Body

Everyone's body has its own limits on caffeine. Most people can drink two cups of coffee a day without having problems. But this does not necessarily apply to other people, because some are experiencing the ill effects of the consumption of the amount of coffee the same. There is the case with just a cup of coffee could not sleep all night, but there is also the opposite. Understanding the response of the body is an important thing to do.

4. Important to Know the Content of Caffeine
Do not let us eat foods that actually contain caffeine as well. In fact, the recommended dose of coffee on the body is enough. By knowing the content of caffeine in other food products, can make the content of caffeine on the body becomes excessive and could ultimately harm our health. Here are some products that contain caffeine: soft drinks, sweets coffee, tea, chocolate, headache medicine.

Coffee processing methods also affect caffeine content. It is also important for us to know if the caffeine content is presented by mixing with other materials or types of coffee itself

Based on the research, coffee without caffeine (decaf) good enough for people who are obese. This because it can raise levels of HDL ("good" cholesterol) to approximately 50%. In contrast to the non-obese could even result lowers HDL cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease.

5. Group-Without Coffee

The following people are strongly advised to avoid or even forget about coffee: pregnant women, children, the elderly, the diseases / disorders of the heart and blood vessels.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Diet Tips with Healthy Food

The problem of excess weight is always the specter of many people, especially women. Until a lot of articles and tips on how to lose weight scattered in this virtual universe. Well here Health Info will share tips on how to lose weight by using diet of healthy foods,

Diet by consuming Eggs
eggs are very safe to be consumed during the diet program. The eggs will make you full faster, so the desire to eat other foods that can be stopped. Eggs also contain a lot of protein so your protein intake can be fulfilled with eggs.

Diet by eating Wheat / Oat
Oat has a distinctive digested slowly by the digestive organs, even if it is instant oats. This effect is food glut and may delay your hunger.

Consuming a diet with beef

Based on research conducted by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that the beef does not cause obesity, of this research turned out to women who consumed red meat can lose weight more.

Consuming a diet with Yoghurt
carbohydrate, protein, and fat in the yogurt, so the circuitry consume yogurt can suppress hunger as well as the effect of keeping blood sugar levels steady.

Dietary consumption of chili
contained capsaicin in chili has a thermogenic effect. This thermogenic effect will result in your body can burn extra calories about 20 minutes after eating chili. Agency will feel fitter .

Diet by eating Avocado
avocado contains monounsaturated fat (monounsatured) which has the effect of filling. Until now, this fruit as a fruit masihdiyakini best weight loss.

Hopefully with a healthy food diet tips above can help your diet program.

Tips to Stay Fit During Fasting

Most people, when fasting tends to decrease the level of fitness, but if they know how to handle it, then the body will remain fit as well as a typical day. Well here are some tips that might be useful for you to maintain fitness during the fasting month , so that fasting does not interfere with your daily activities.

1. Drink Water sufficient.
Highly recommended after breaking the fast, you have to drink lots of water. Likewise, when the meal, do not forget to drink water in large amounts. The human body has about 1.5 liters of fluid per day. Be careful not to become dehydrated at the time of fasting.

2. Eating healthy food .Never go crazy or excessive eating at the time of breaking. Especially if devouring sweets in bulk, because it will not be able to satisfy your hunger. Even the tendency to interfere with your own diet. Dates can me recharge your energy quickly.

3. Try not directly open to the large portions.
At the time of breaking the fast, start light appetizers, such as soup or compote. You could wait until absorbed in your digestion, you can start a new big meal.

4. Control your portions.
where to buka puasa 300x300 Tips Tetap Bugar Selama PuasaNever overeat at the time of breaking the fast because it can interfere with your body's own. At the time of Taraweeh prayers, even can make you sleepy. You can maintain your diet with three meals a day: Eat when to eat suhoor, during fasting and the latter within 2 to 3 hours after Iftar.

5. Eating fruits.To keep the intake of vitamins in the body of engagement, it is advisable to eat fruits. Try to dining Imsyak dawn approached.

6. It is recommended to sleep enough.Sleep in the early afternoon can help you collect energy. This can be done if possible, best to avoid the scorching sun and oppressive heat that can cause you to dehydrate.

7. Reduce the portion of Sports.If you are an athlete, you have to be extra careful in the exercise. Try to tidka exercise too hard during fasting. Highly recommended no intensive exercise you can do before iftar.

Some healthy tips that would help you to stay in shape during the fasting month of Ramadan.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Four Foods According To Fasting

Diet is highly recommended for those of you who are fasting. Whether it can be done at the time or at the time of breaking Sahur. This is done to keep the body healthy and fit .

As we know, at the time of fasting, a decrease in muscle mass. Well, so the muscle mass we can get back to normal, according to the narrative of a nutritionist India, we are advised to eat with various types of food that can quickly restore muscle mass was decreased.

Well, here are the various types of food that is good enough for our consumption at the time of breaking, according to the narrative Sneha Gala, which is quoted directly from the Health Me Up, (07/04/2014)

1. Cereal or Bread

1-2 servings Can be served as a source of complex carbohydrates and also as a source of healthy fiber of course the number is quite good.

2. Meat Consumption

Eating chicken, fish, goats, cows between 1 to 2 servings and do not forget the nuts. Because all of these foods are a source of complete nutrition in the form of protein, minerals, vitamins, and fiber that is certainly very good for our body.

3. Consumption of Vegetables
It is advisable takes 3 to 4 servings of vegetables. As much reviewed, vegetables are a source of food is rich in fiber, antioxidants and vitamins A, C. It also can help prevent the occurrence of very ill with cancer, heart and can make your face more radiant.

4. Drinking Milk
Calcium and protein are the nutrients contained in milk. Nutrition is very important in keeping the body tissues as well as bone health associated with other physiological functions.

Try not to fry all those foods that food always stay healthy . It would be better if the food is steamed or boiled, avoid the use of oil.

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Saturday, September 20, 2014

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